Too often we take care of other people’s needs, shunning activities that have the most meaning for us. Here are 10 ways to take back your life.
- Create goals. Get clear on what you really want, write it down and start to take action toward your goals.
- Commit to your own agenda. As much as possible, before helping others each day, complete the tasks that move you toward your goals.
- Set boundaries. When you heed your own agenda, you will likely need to set boundaries with the people in your life.
- Say no when you want to. Respecting your true desires is liberating.
- Do something you’ve always wanted to do. Fulfilling long-held wishes brings joy and empowerment.
- Seek balance. Which of these aspects need attention: social/family, spiritual/creative, career or health?
- Eat well and exercise. Take charge of your energy by treating your body well.
- Clear clutter. Creating an orderly and beautiful physical environment positively affects our sense of internal order and makes space for the new.
- Pursue completion. Avoiding unfinished tasks, things that remain unsaid and relationships that need closure, hijacks our thoughts and saps our energy.
- Get support/find allies. Get help processing uncomfortable feelings and seek friendships with people who appreciate and support your taking charge of your life